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How Much Will the Pawnshop Pay for Comic Books?

Good 'ole comic books. Everybody has a stack of them in their closet, and they're all worth millions, right? 

Wrong. :(

Comic books are one of those items that we get all too often, and only a handful actually have significant value. Let's take a quick look at the history of comic books and what they are worth today. 

Comic Books

Image via ashcomicshows.info

First Comic Released



Value Back in the Day

5 cents to $5 


What's it Worth Today? 

Most comics are still not worth that much. Average prices will range between $.75 and $1.50 for comic books in 2018. That being said, there are still plenty of comic books in the market that sell for a premium. 

The two major factors that make an older comic book 'rare' and 'expensive' are: First Appearances and Low Issue Number. 

First appearances refers to the first time that a character appears in a comic book. Comic books with first appearances of popular characters usually sky-rocket in value. 

For example:

The comic book titled Journey Into Mystery #83 might seem like an ordinary comic book that the average person would not know about. This comic book, however, was the first appearance of Thor in any comic book, which allowed a graded copy to be sold on eBay for $15,000! Check it out here. 

Early issues of comic books can also make their value go up. For instance, The Amazing Spider-Man #1 is far more valuable than The Amazing Spider-Man #328. ($5,000 more valuable to be exact)


Our Offer

Comic book offers are on a strict case by case basis. Too many factors come into play to be able to accurately quote a 'standard' offer. If you have an ordinary comic from the Bronze Age of Comics, you probably have a comic book that is worth around $1, and our offer would be $.50 each. 

If you have a comic that is rare, however, our offer would be MUCH more.

Whenever you bring a stack of comics into our pawnshop, we will always take the time to go through each one and do the research to see if any sell for a premium. If one does, we'll show you the prices and make you an offer based on those prices. 

Like we tell everyone, you never know what it's worth until you bring it by the pawnshop! 


Wrap UP

Comic books can definitely be a hit or miss, with miss being the most common outcome. The fact is that there are A LOT of comic books in existence. A lot. This means that the majority of them are not that valuable, with most being worth around $1. Every once in a while, however, we'll have a customer who brings us a rare find that we can pay a premium for! 

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