Remember Worms Armageddon?
If you're like me, the answer is probably no. You probably DO remember the Nintendo 64, though. In fact, you probably still have one buried under a pile of boxes in your closet or attic. If so, this might be the perfect time to do a little spring cleaning and check to see if you have this game!
Worms Armageddon, is one of the dumbest looking games I've seen on the 64.
Keep in mind that I grew up playing the Nintendo 64 game console, and I vaguely remember coming across this game in Movie Gallery while I was searching for a copy of Goldeneye 007 to rent. (Remember Movie Gallery?) I thought this game looked dumb then, just as I do now, but one things for certain, as of March 2018, this game is worth some serious cash!
Worms Armageddon (Nintendo 64)
Image via
Year Released
March 30, 2000
Value Back in the Day
Sold originally for $59.95
What's it Worth Today?
A really clean copy of Worms Armageddon on the 64 without the box or manuals will sell for about $150.
Clean means that it has a good label with no tears or fading, and the cartridge is in good shape too.
If you can find a copy of this game with the original box and manuals, this game will sell anywhere from $250 to $350!
Our Offer
As with everything we buy, we're in this business to make a profit, but we also want you to leave feeling good about the deal too!
If you bring us a copy of Worms Armageddon you can expect to get around $50 for a rough cartridge and up to $90 for a super clean cartridge.
If you get really lucky and have the box and manual, we'll easily give you $150 to $225 depending on how nice it is!
Wrap UP
This game is a diamond in the rough, and there are plenty of copies out there waiting to get snagged! If you have a Nintendo 64 stashed in your attic, you probably need to check and make sure this game isn't sitting there collecting dust.
If you're not lucky enough to already own it, a garage sale is your next bet for finding it! Most garage sales will be asking pennies for these old games so be on the lookout!
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