9.9.99. Does that date mean anything to you?
More than just a date when all of the numbers were the same, this was the launch day for SEGA's newest game console, the SEGA Dreamcast. SEGA had mild success up until this point making game consoles, and the now software company put everything they had into making a new groundbreaking system that would be better than the rest, the Dreamcast.
It flopped.
The Dreamcast had a great lineup of unique games, gameplay that no one had tried before, and 3D graphics that were before its time, but it still flopped. Throughout the console's history, SEGA sold 10 million units. Only a year after the Dreamcast released, Sony released their newest console, the Playstation 2. Much unlike the Dreamcast, this console sold over 150 million units.
I know what you're thinking... if there's only 10 million Dreamcast consoles in existence, shouldn't it be worth much more than the Playstation 2 in today's world? Let's take a look!
sega dreamcast game console
Photo via Amazon.uk
Year Released
September 9, 1999
Value Back in the Day
Sold originally for $199.99
What's It Worth Today?
Depending on condition, prices for the Sega Dreamcast run from $50 up to $150! The average sale price for a Dreamcast today is somewhere around $50. This price is just for the console, one controller, and all of the cords. If you add games, accessories, original box and manuals.. this console can easily be worth $150!
Our Offer
As with everything we buy, we're in this business to make a profit, but we also want you to leave feeling good about the deal too!
If you bring us a Sega Dreamcast without any extras, our offer will be somewhere between $25 to $35.
If you bring us a Dreamcast still in the box with all of the original paperwork, we'll easily pay $75 to $100 for it!
Wrap Up
Although you might not strike it rich by selling your Sega Dreamcast in 2018, you still might be able to fetch a few dollars out of it even without the original box. If you do, for some reason, still have the box and paperwork kicking around the house, it would definitely be worth finding and selling!