3/15/2021 | 4 min read
No Shame In The Game
What is the deal with people?
Don’t get me wrong, I love people. The problem I have is that people who shop at pawn shops have caught a bad rap.
For some reason, some people feel ashamed of walking into the building. It’s kind of like when folks go to a yard sale. My question is, when did it become looked down upon to save a buck? When did it become shameful to sell something to put some cash in your pocket?
Regardless of what answers you hear to these questions, there is no shame in doing business at a pawn shop.
The Stigma
What type of people do you think frequent the pawnshop? Maybe you’re thinking…
“Only crackheads do business at a pawnshop.”
Wrong! There are plenty of people paying bills, getting out of debt, or putting money aside for Christmas for their family.
The truth is, the types of people who do business at the pawn shop are as diverse as the earth is round (or flat, if you're a flat earther. I’m not judging).
“Pawn shops are shady and/or immoral.”
Wrong again! A good pawn shop does business in a fair and ethical way. There probably are a few shady businesses, but to label all pawn shops as shady is a huge mistake, and straight up ignorant.
Think about it. This world is full of bad people. There are shady pastors, doctors, politicians, and lawyers. But, that doesn’t mean that all pastors, doctors, politicians, and lawyers are shady.
The same is true for pawnshops. The pawn community is full of incredible people and businesses who run their pawnshop way better than other upstanding business owners out there.
“Pawn shops are full of drug addicted welfare recipients.”
Wow! It feels even worse writing it than hearing it. Unfortunately, I have personally heard every one of these statements with my own ears. It’s just kind of sad.
The Real Problem
It is this writer's humble opinion that the hearts of men are the problem. Mankind is bent on being judgemental.
If we are telling the truth, we all struggle with this problem. It is a continuous downward spiral if we don’t come to our senses and try to improve ourselves as human beings.
Just because we pass by a business and see people that don’t share our socioeconomic status based on the way they dress or carry themselves does not mean that pawnshops are bad places that cater to the downtrodden. The pawnshop will serve all people with respect and dignity.
Our staff will serve all customers the way that they would like to be served. To do business otherwise would be truly immoral.
The Solution
If you are reading this, do your part to change the stigma!
Rather than fall into the trap of judging others, the next time someone bad mouths an entire industry, speak some positivity into the situation!
If you are reading this and you feel that unsure feeling when you walk into the shop, hoping that your friends don’t see you there, walk in next time with your head held high!
There is nothing wrong with doing business at a pawnshop.
If you are reading this and you have been ripped off at a pawnshop, remember, the shop didn’t rip you off, the owner did. Like any other business, you will find a bad apple here and there, but don’t knock them all.
Lesson Learned
From big box retailers, to mom and pop shops, there will always be a business owner that gives their industry a bad name.
What’s important is that we do our best not to pass judgement on that entire industry based on a few bad experiences.
The diverse swath of people that frequent pawn shops are what make it a great place to do business. As flawed human beings we have no right to pass judgement on anybody, especially those we know nothing about.
Do your part! Change the stigma surrounding the pawn industry with your words and actions. There is nothing wrong with shopping in a place that has amazing deals and can hook you up with some cash to better yourself or your situation.
Check out our pull list. If you find something you want to buy, walk into the shop and do it with pride knowing that you're supporting a local small business that serves anyone, in any situation, with respect.
This article was written by Stephan Berlet of Custom Copy.