8/6/21 | 3 min read
how do i get the best deals at the pawnshop?
The answer is easier than you think. While there are a few tactics, there are three that I think will help you to get the best deal possible.
Are you ready?
Don’t be a jerk
Don’t lowball
Don’t be a jerk.
No, that was not a typo.
You would be amazed at how rude some people are that expect to walk out of the pawnshop with the best deal. Believe you me, that will not do you or the pawnbroker that is helping you any good.
Let’s think about it together for a minute.
just minding your own business…
Let’s imagine you are having a yard sale. You're sitting outside hoping to make a few bucks to put your kids through college, or maybe something a little simpler like take your spouse out to a nice dinner for your anniversary.
You have a few big ticket items. Maybe a washer dryer or a bedroom suite. You price them more than fairly hoping to get around the asking price.
A car drives up and the person in the car gets out. “He looks ticked off,” you think to yourself.
Surely enough he gives you the cold shoulder and walks up to the washer and dryer set. The washer and dryer are clearly marked on a white sheet of paper in thick black permanent marker. $150.00
He looks over at you and with nothing but an attitude asks,
“how much do you want for this?”
You answer politely,
“I’m asking $150 for the set...”
Then, he strikes back with an agressive tone and says…
“Are you serious!? This thing is a piece of garbage! I would rather pay full price for something a whole lot nicer than get ripped off at a yard sale!
will you take $125?”
How do you think this conversation would end?
Well, if this were me, I would tell this fool to take a hike. At this point I know my blood would be boiling and even if they offered me full price I would tell them to take a walk.
lesson learned?
When you walk into the pawnshop, don’t be rude! Especially if you are looking for a deal on something incredible at an already unbeatable price!
Our pawnbrokers are more than willing to haggle so that everyone walks away satisfied.
BUT, if you are rude, unreasonable, or just a straight up jerk, don’t expect the deal of a lifetime.
Hey, we are only human right?
You’re Kidding Me… Right?
The second best way to lose out on a deal is to low ball the shop. Contrary to popular belief, the pawnshop does not drastically over price their items. You really are getting an incredible deal on some great merchandise.
If you walk in and see a really nice used Sig Sauer pistol in the gun case, priced at $600 and offer $350 for it, here is what’s going to happen:
Nobody is going to take you seriously as a buyer.
Do a little research and you will see that the shop paid way more than $350 for that gun. We love our customers, but we are running a business here.
Now, if you walk in and make a reasonable offer, let's say $525, that is something a pawnbroker can work with.
Here is what may happen:
You could potentially receive a counter offer of $550 out the door! That is a savings of over $100 after tax on an already great deal on a superior firearm.
Now, that is a deal everyone can live with.
to sum it up…
Don’t be a jerk and don’t low ball the shop. It’s that simple!
We are in the people business and we enjoy serving our customers. But, if you walk in with an attitude, in a bad mood, or just plain rude, your best bet is to pick a better day to find a deal.
Pawnbrokers know the worth of an item and how much we have invested in it. So be reasonable. We can’t give the stuff away!
But we can reasonably haggle and come to a comfortable mid ground that everyone can walk away happy from.
Be sure to check out The Pull List for one of a kind items at unbeatable prices.