7/15/21 | 3 min read
moving? Sell some of your stuff at the pawnshop!
I am convinced, nobody likes to move.
Not simply for the cost, but the time, effort, and energy that it takes to transplant your entire family and all of their belongings is a daunting task.
But, does it have to be?
You could say,
“I’ll just have the moving company do it.”
True. But, have you looked into how much a moving company charges to move a family of four?
I will let you do your own research, but I can tell you, you would be shocked at how expensive it can be.
So, the solution to this problem is a simple one (in my opinion at least). Before you drop thousands of dollars to move your stuff, come by the shop and sell it to us.
I mean, wouldn’t you rather get paid to move rather than pay someone to haul your stuff hundreds of miles only to have to unpack it when it gets there?
Oh, and don’t forget all the stuff that broke because the people hauling it have no real investment in your items.
Have I peaked your interest? Keep reading…
don’t give your money away!
Nobody likes giving their money away, especially to something as lame as a moving company.
What if you could lighten that load to something you could manage on your own and walk away with extra cash in hand.
That sounds way better to me!
that was not broken when you put it on the truck!
Okay, so I have some personal experience with this one. I was moving about 900 miles away and thought it would be a good idea to have some company haul all my stuff.
Boy, was I wrong…
When the door to the truck opened my stuff looked like it was part of a home goods avalanche.
TV’s busted, dressers scratched and broken, mirrors...I don’t even think they were mine.
The bottom line, nobody cares about your stuff more than you do. That’s why you should either move it yourself, or sell it to us for cash and buy what you need later.
It’s a win-win that way. No stressing financially and physically about moving, and walking away with cash, not completely broke!
let us take a look
The pawnshop loves buying your stuff! From TV’s to video game consoles. From guns to tools. Let us take some stuff off your hands and make your moving experience more lucrative and less of a pain.
Just think of all the cash you will save not moving that big screen that has to be wrapped in a ridiculously expensive moving blanket only to find that it had fallen from the dumb place the mover put it in on the truck.
Bring it in, we will make a cash offer, and BAM! You walk out with money in your pocket!
don’t buy the lie
Hire us! We care about your stuff as much as you do. Plus, we are really nice.
Sure. Call me cynical but, in all honesty, it's a crock.
Before you write me off as some mean guy with a chip on his shoulder, let me tell you why I know it’s true.
Remember my moving experience I told you about earlier? I called the company and let them know what happened. I had pictures of the items, I did my due diligence.
I wasn’t out for anything other than replacing the important items that they destroyed.
What response did I get? How about a rude…
“Sorry about your luck.”
Don’t do what I did… sell your stuff to the pawnshop before you leave!
it’s up to you
Your stuff is important to you. If you want some stranger moving it and driving it to your new home, that’s up to you.
However, I respectfully implore you to think about bringing your valuables to the pawnshop and letting us put money in your pocket before you go.
We value our customers and want to see you leave the area happy. Our pawnbrokers look forward to offering you cash for your items. Be sure to stop by and say “hey” before you go!
As always - don’t forget to check out The Pull List weekly. We are online, so no matter how far you go, we can still do business!